Studies show that during interpersonal encounters,

only ten percent of human communication is verbal

Yet in our increasingly fast-paced, technological culture, we’ve virtually become mesmerized by words as our social and educational systems teach us to neglect the nonverbal dimensions of experience. Cell phones, email, and text messaging, though incredibly convenient, further compromise our effectiveness over time as entire populations voluntarily—and unnecessarily—accept the limitations of a machine-like existence, ignoring powerful stores of nonverbal wisdom, the 'other 90 percent' that arguably makes us human.


Even more disturbing for those with leadership aspirations, over-reliance on verbal communication causes accomplished, well-meaning, well-educated people to ignore the key to advanced personal and professional success. Namely that the behavior, facial expressions, body postures, feelings, commitment, intuitions, and energy/enthusiasm (or lack thereof) behind our words can either add immeasurable power to the simplest requests or seriously undermine the most eloquent speeches.


As a leader in any organization—be it work, school, church, community/political endeavors, or family life—you’ve experienced the challenges of motivating others to get things done. As a student, employee, or volunteer in a non-commercial organization, you may have felt powerless when you weren’t making the impact you’d hoped to—and you couldn’t quite figure out why.


When left unresolved, these feelings can’t help but intensify into a tangled mass of disappointment, agitation, frustration, anger, blame, and betrayal, as well as other disempowering emotions such as shame, guilt, boredom or apathy. Over time, this leads to a toxic work or home environment where increasing confusion, disillusionment and resentment are expressed through sarcasm one minute, icy silence the next, and, on occasion, out­right shouting matches that damage relationships, sometimes irreparably.


Even if your motive is pure profit, there’s no denying this dynamic effects the bottom line at work, costing a fortune in job turnover, ineffective management, lack of teamwork, careless yet expensive mistakes and, most insidiously, people who simply 'retire in place'.



What if mastering those crucial communication skills involved walking beside that horse, learning to dance with that horse, becoming more horse-like over time?

Well, then, you’d be in good company. Throughout history, the most courageous, innovative, and influential leaders—from Alexander the Great, the Buddha and Genghis Khan, to Joan of Arc, Queen Elizabeth I, George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Winston Churchill, Teddy Roosevelt, Queen Elizabeth II, and Ronald Reagan—were dedicated horsemen and women. And what did they exercise in the company of horses? That crucial 'other 90 percent' all those elusive, nonverbal skills that strengthen leadership presence, poise under pressure, charisma, endurance, and the sheer power to inspire and influence others.


Regardless of policy and agenda, these men and women exhibited exceptional courage, conviction, and clarity of intention with a marked talent for motivating large populations to endure the discomfort and uncertainty involved in creating innovative empires and/or significant social change. In essence, they exhibited high levels of what we now call emotional and social Intelligence.


Equine Assisted Learning: Healing with Horses

~ By Dr. Brenda Abbey


Human ability to reason

Horses are wired for fear - humans are wired for fear.


    Fear is tied to a horse’s fight or flight reflex - fear is tied to a human’s fight or flight reflex .


    At one point in our evolution, being fearful, cautious and having a highly tuned fight or flight response system was critical for survival.


    We are hardwired to think negative thoughts versus focusing on more positive aspects of life.


    Humans have the ability to think and reflect with the capacity for higher reasoning. We can actually out-think natural instincts—out-think our fear and natural tendency to focus on the negative aspects of a situation. Therefore, by knowing the basis of sound leadership and understanding the phases of leadership growth, we can learn to be 'leaders' and grow to become 'better leaders'.


    In times of trouble, organizations naturally look for new leadership. Leadership is the issue.


    Personal and organizational effectiveness is proportionate to the strength of leadership.




Horsing Around in Childhood

Really Can Change Your Life

First evidence-based study to measure positive levels of stress hormones in children in touch with horses.

What is it about kids and horses? A new study measures a change in juvenile participants’ levels of the stress hormone cortisol after working around horses

~ By Fran Jurga


The research is compelling ...

Dr. Bruce Perry, a neurobiology researcher, indicates the research reveals that learning happens when the brain perceives the experience as new and different.


“Being in the prey category, the horse’s intuitive nature has evolved as a mere function of survival. It is constantly attuned to its surroundings and the subtle communication within the herd as a response to a perceived threat and an ever changing environment. In this way, horses have been observed to have acute communication skills within their social structures and highly adaptive behavioural responses. The horse has the ability to respond intuitively to human behaviour which results in immediate feedback from the animal. It is this response ability of the horse that creates opportunities for an Equine Assisted Learning participant to react both cognitively and behaviourally in relation to the cues from the horse. By their intuitive nature and innate sensitivity, my therapy horse can provide me with a window into the participants personality.“

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